Who We Are

The Central Arkansas Marriage Initiative (CAMI) exists for one purpose–We believe God desires to redeem and restore marriages in Central Arkansas by His power and for His glory.

Our Mission

We are elevating marriage through inspiration, resources and empowerment.

Inspiration: Why marriage matters.
Resources: A saturation of opportunities for vision, skills and support.
Empowerment: Helping people get involved in their highest and best role.

Our Vision

the restoration of family, by strategically investing in marriage, for the strengthening of communities and the glorification of God.

Inspire Others

CAMI works to connect—to be a constant, consistent presence, reminding people that marriage is worth fighting for. We connect others with events, trainings, church ministries and individuals who can provide the proper resource for any couple.

Online and in our cities, we can all be a voice that inspires others towards a generation of healthy marriages and strong families.

We’re So Glad You’re Here